big Island candies blog

Welcome to our blog! We're sharing gift ideas, treats to try, and new products to please everyone's palates. Enjoy!

Why a Hawaiian Gift Bag Is the Perfect Surprise for Any Occasion & How to Make One – Easily!

Looking for great gift ideas? Look no further! A Hawaiian-themed gift bag could be the perfect gift idea for a birthday or holiday present, a thank-you gift, party favors for guests—the list goes on. Gift bags are perfect for almost any occasion, and adding a taste of Hawai`i into the mix can add an element […]

Let’s Give ‘Em a Big Hand: Tropical Finger Foods Your Guests Will Love

As time goes on, you might find yourself entertaining the idea of having a few close friends over to safely catch up in person. While you don’t have to attach a theme to this small, simple shindig, admittedly, it does make a special occasion even more fun. Cocktail attire is an elegant choice, or—and maybe […]

Sig Zane: What’s So Special About the Person and the Brand?

I first heard of Sig Zane back in 1983. I was attending college in Honolulu and was back in Hilo for a visit. My mom was going to model in a show presented by the Hilo Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association. Having a part-time job in retail fashion at the time, I inquired […]

Yum in the Sun: Your Guide to Summertime Goodies

Summer is here, and that means many are wrapping up work, clicking “End Call” on their last video conference, or setting up their “Out of Office” message before a well-deserved vacay. For the kids, school is out and playtime is in, when every day is a fun-filled Saturday. It means a 4th of July backyard […]